Land Use and Code Compliance
Town of Seymour, CT
To:Seymour Planning and Zoning Commission
From:Keith Rosenfeld, Town Planner
Date:April 5, 2023
RE:Proposed Accessory Dwelling Unit Zoning Amendment
Please find below the following Zoning Regulation text amendments proposed by the Seymour Land Use and Code Compliance Department. Generally consisting of two overall amendments; one involving a definition change and the others dedicated to repealing and replacing the current "C32" required conditions for uses designated with a "C" in the Table of Permitted Uses with the following new language.
ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT - Defined as a separate dwelling unit that is 1.) Is located on the same lot as the Principal Dwelling of greater square footage, 2.) Has at least a food preparation area, sleeping area and bathroom and 3.) Either complies with or is otherwise exempt from applicable Building, Fire and/or Health Codes.
(NEW) C32 — An Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) is permitted in the R-18, R-40, R-65 Zoning Districts and MF and RC-3 Districts (Single Family Homes) located within a proposed or existing Principal Dwelling of greater square footage and height subject to a Site Plan Approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission, per the requirements of Section 10 of these regulations.
An Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) is permitted in the R-18, R-40, R-65 Zoning Districts and MF and RC-3 Districts (Single Family Homes) located within a detached proposed or existing detached building other than a proposed or existing Principal Dwelling Unit of greater square footage and height subject to a Special Permit Approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission, per the requirements of Sections 10 and 11 of these regulations.
An Accessory Dwelling Unit shall meet the following standards:
1. There shall be only one Accessory Dwelling Unit per building lot.
2. No Accessory Dwelling Unit can occupy an existing non-conforming Principal Dwelling Unit or existing non-conforming Detached Building.
3. The Accessory Dwelling Unit shall occupy not more than thirty (30) percent of the floor area of the Principal Dwelling Unit or one thousand (1,000) square feet, whichever is less.
4. Scaled architectural elevations and floor plans of all buildings or additions shall be submitted as part of the application to determine applicable square footage.
5. Architectural exterior features of all ADUs shall resemble the exterior appearance of the Primary Dwelling including:
a. Exterior finish materials of the ADU must resemble type, size and placement, and the exterior finish materials of the Primary Dwelling.
b. If the street-facing exterior of the ADU is visible from a public way, its design must match, in proportion and orientation, the design of the Primary Dwelling.
6. All Accessory Dwelling Units shall adhere to all Section 5 Bulk Standards (lot area, lot frontage, lot width, lot square, building setback, lot coverage, height requirements, landscaping and architectural design standards equal to that which is required for a Principal Dwelling Unit.
7. There shall be only one utility service per lot (i.e., electrical, water, sewer, natural gas, bottled gas) provided for both the Principal Dwelling Unit and Accessory Dwelling Unit. Certification shall be required from the Naugatuck Valley Health District that the sewage disposal system and/or potable water supply is adequate to serve both the Principal Dwelling Unit and Accessory Dwelling Unit. In such cases that the ADU cannot conform to Standard #7, the Building Official may waive portions of this section.
8. One (1) additional parking space is required for an Accessory Dwelling Unit and shown on Site Plan.
9. There shall be only one (1) street number address for the Accessory Dwelling Unit and Principal Dwelling Unit and only one (1) mailbox.
10. An Accessory Dwelling Unit shall have a separate exterior entrance as required by the applicable Building and Fire codes and not be required to have a passageway between any such Accessory Dwelling Unit and a Principal Dwelling Unit.
11. No Home Occupation shall be allowed in any Accessory Dwelling Unit.
12. An Accessory Dwelling Unit shall not be occupied or utilized for either a vacation home and/or short-term rental.
13. Principal Dwelling Unit with Accessory Dwelling Unit shall register the existence of said Accessory Dwelling Unit with the local municipal PSAP "911" Seymour Police Department.
All In for Seymour
Please feel free to reach out with any questions you may have.
All In for Seymour is an alliance of community members and local organizations working to ensure that everyone in Seymour has a safe and dependable place to live, a place where access to food is secure and a place in the decisions that affect our lives.
all materials copyright © 2025
All In for Seymour